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Calçotada-Carnestoltes 2019 | Reserves | 予約 | Bookings

Com en edicions anteriors, farem la calçotada-carnestoltes al Showakinen Park Barbecue Garden. Diumenge 24 de febrer a partir de les 12:00. Si penseu venir, si us plau reserveu el vostre lloc a

今年のカーニバルとカルソッツ(ネギBBQ)は、2月24日(日)に午後12から昨年と同様昭和記念公園にて開催致します。参加ご希望の方は にアクセスしお名前&人数をご登録ください。

As in previous editions, this year's pre-Lenten carnival & spring onion BBQ will be taking place at the Showakinen Park Barbecue Garden. Sunday 24 of February from 12:00. If you’re planning to join us, please book your place at

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